Imagine, me an intertidal art critic. I’ve posted three intimate intertidal images that may imitate art. Since my earliest visits to the the tide pools I have imagined that intertidal forms and patterns have similarities to art. This challenge is my opportunity to see if anyone agrees.
I came across this intertidal abstract when low tide exposed a red crust draped with articulated corrallines on a vertical rock face. I think I’m going to call it Wall of Reds.
The scenes below seem to imitate art too, but I will leave that decision to you.
This used to be a mussel bed. Now, gooseneck or leaf barnacles have proliferated, crowding the mussels. Does this look like art, or just a battle for space?
Anemones are always a treat for the visual senses. Do they imitate art?
This challenge pushed me a bit. If you have any ideas about how these intertidal scenes might or might not imitate art please let me know.
To see other images submitted for the Life Imitates Art photo challenge click here
Note: The image featured at the very top of this page is early morning sand magnified under a jellyfish lens.